Firm to the End; July 7, 2023

Matthew 24:12-13 “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.

For once I actually prefer the NIV to the Japanese! I don’t know the nuances of the Greek here, but the idea of “most” not only has more punch, it also agrees with personal observation. At this point it’s extremely refreshing to encounter people who are sold out to the Lord, because they are so few and far between. Where the NIV says, “the increase of wickedness,” the Japanese says, “the infestation of lawlessness.” However you put it, that certainly seems to describe the world today. The temptation to throw our hands up and retreat to isolation is real, but it doesn’t agree with the Biblical picture. Just the other day I was reading an article by Lee Grady asking, “Is it too late for America?” He used both England and America as historical examples of times when society was highly degraded and depraved, and God brought revival. He quoted historians to point out that the revival in England under John Wesley saved Britain from something like the French revolution, and the Great Awakening prepared the colonies for the American revolution that established a nation on Biblical principles. There were other examples given but in each case, contemporary commentators had despaired because of the extreme wickedness that was manifested in society as a whole. There is indeed extreme wickedness infesting society, but Jesus would have us trust Him and stand firm, not allowing our love for Him and for each other to grow cold but resisting the devil, in society and especially in our hearts. Frankly, it appears that we are indeed in End Times, but we need to remember that those times began with Jesus’ ascension and will not end until the last trumpet mentioned in Revelation. We are not to let circumstances drag us down, but rather stand tall as Christ’s representatives, with no lack of love for Him and for our neighbor.

I was much younger when I first had the strong feeling that Christ would return before the end of my natural life, but since then I have had various friends, genuine saints, who had the same conviction but have been called home while I’m still here. Considering that I’m 74, it won’t be that many years before I stand before my Lord however it happens! I need to be careful that I’m not included in the “many” or “most” in this passage, but keep Christ as my goal and my priority in all purity. That’s not easy in the world as it is today, but nothing is impossible with God! (Luke 1:37, Matthew 17:20) I am to stay submitted to my Lord, doing His will on His schedule for His glory, and leave everything else up to Him.

Father, thank You for this reminder. Thank You that I’ll be having my first cataract surgery this afternoon. I do pray that everything would go completely smoothly, not just in the surgery itself but in the recovery, so that my eyes will be fully useful for as long as You keep me here. May I be a good steward of the body, resources, and opportunities You give me, for Your pleasure and glory. Thank You. Praise God!

About jgarrott

Born and raised in Japan of missionary parents. Have been here as an adult missionary since 1981.
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