Zeal; June 11, 2024

Revelation 3:19 “Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.”

This verse is good in English, but it’s even better in Japanese. After verses 15-16 talking about their being lukewarm, the Japanese word for “earnest,” (or zealous, depending on the translation) is “have a hot heart.” That fits the context perfectly! I have lost track of how many preachers I have heard talking about how the Church in America is very much like the one in Laodicea, and I don’t think they’re wrong. When there is no social cost to being a Christian, we tend to take it lightly. On top of that, America has had one of the world’s highest standards of living, and that sounds very much like what is described in this passage. I’m reminded of what was reported by a Christian aid worker who delivered supplies to Christians in South Sudan. When he told a pastor that believers in America were praying for him and his flock, the man responded that they were praying for the believers in America, because they had so many temptations to discard their faith. I think he had accurate understanding from the Holy Spirit! On one level it is sad that many in the US are now actively anti-Christian, but on another level it is something to be grateful for, because we don’t value something for which there is no cost. If gold were as common as aluminum, it wouldn’t be valued any higher. All of this said, we need to realize that Christ is saying explicitly that He loves the believers of Laodicea. That’s something to be happy about! This verse certainly brings to mind Hebrews 12, that expands the whole topic of God’s loving discipline. We indeed need to examine ourselves and choose to have “hot hearts” toward our Lord and Savior.

This certainly applies to me. As I have commented before, I don’t feel like I have been persecuted for my faith. Paul’s words to Timothy have really given me pause: “Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 Timothy 3:12) Does that mean my heart isn’t hot enough? It could, and I must not be complacent. However, part of my feeling comes, I think, from my being an introvert and not really caring what people thought or said about me for not drinking, for example. Social persecution isn’t very effective when you don’t give a flip! However, I’m not to think that makes me better than other people, either. I have my own weaknesses, and God is going to call me to account for them. Like everyone else, I’ve got to keep my repentance up-to-date, choosing obedience and the things of God consistently, so that Christ may accurately be represented in and through me, for His glory.

Father, thank You for this reminder. Help me indeed burn with the oil of Your Spirit, so that many may be drawn to the light to repent and believe, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!

About jgarrott

Born and raised in Japan of missionary parents. Have been here as an adult missionary since 1981.
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